Jun 11, 2014

Boring Conversation Anyway™ Episode 54: A Star Wars Podcast. Episode 4 A New Hope-Toy Commentary


Join +FLYGUY  on another meaty +Star Wars toy talk show featuring +Dan Curto+Yakface.com +Tamer ofthe Shipyards+Dorksidetoys, & JediTempleArchives

Join the BCA possee, all die hard Star Wars fanboys and toy experts watch and review Star Wars A New Hope Ep 4 whilst providing it's first full toy commentary. Adding insights on the the vintage & modern figures and vehicles we got from the movie. Childhood favourites, modern day updates, hits, misses, vintage collection, LEGO, 5POA, POTF, Black Series Six inch and 3.75 Inch that we need to yet see. 12 inch classics, play-sets, creatures and much more.

Like Star Wars toys? You're gonna love the first toy commentary for Star Wars, A New Hope.


  1. A New Hope 1977, who saw it in cinemas? The birth of toys
LEGO, Sideshow, POTF 2
JTA guide to Classic Vintage figs and creatures etc http://www.jeditemplearchives.com/vintagepics/
Modern Vintage figs
Scum guide to all vintage, playsets etc

  1. Droid sale, some great older figures in POTF line of the tall green droid Also was that legacy collection http://www.rebelscum.com/tlcBPlarshomestead.asp womp rat and very disco finish on sand.
  2. Banthas have tended to suck, looks like a muppet http://threads.rebelscum.com/photogallery/data//500/bantha_1_.jpg a bit sad really no?
  3. 4. Do we really want a  new sandcrawler? Massive!
a) How many figures have been made from this scene? Can’t EVER make Tonnika Sisters? :(  
  1. Snaggletooth red/blue, Ponda, http://www.yakfaceforums.com/TGuide2004/html/TVC/basicfigures/VC70.html Hammerhead, (saga collection Momaw Nadon best?) lost with all the changes now to creatures.
  2. falcon-The Ultimate Vintage Collection surely the best?
  3. dockingbay 94 Screams for a playset. Best Fett has to be http://www.yakfaceforums.com/TGuide2004/html/TVC/basicfigures/VC09.html
               a. Is there any chance we will ever see a new Death Star Playset?       C’mon Hasbro do something like this!    http://www.imperialshipyards.net/SMF/index.php?topic=8715.msg173398#msg173398
  1. Best tie fighter the huge scale one?
  2. Vintage collection tie fighter pilot best so far I think http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=/TVC/Basic/VC65TIEpilot/TVC-1955.jpg
  3. Medals, That VC Han kinda sucks - Y U No Give us VOTC Han head Hasbro?http://www.yakfaceforums.com/TGuide2004/html/TVC/basicfigures/VC42.html plaus anemic Luke, and no chewie with medal!

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Our thanks again to the great crew behind this for thieer time and commitment. Visit their sites!

Boring Conversation Anyway™ #55  will return July 2014.