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Whit comes back with another North American episode to celebrate the holiday season! With him this time are a couple friends from Instagram, Jason Clark (@vintagestarwars) and Bobby Sussman (@bobbysussman) - like pics on Instagram, the quality of this episode is a little scratchy due to technical issues.
They discus;
- Jason describes his mission to destroy the Death Star orbiting Zach's planet with his site - Trench Run Rebels
Some supporters who have donated items to help raise money are: Robert Bailey, Robert Hendrickson, Shane Turgeon, Kyle Newman, Adam Hayes, Joshua Smith and many more - Bobby describes his project to recreate The Empire Strikes Back using action figures, an iPhone and no Photoshop. You can follow his adventures on his Facebook page -
- Some favorite holiday memories and how Star Wars played a role in those. As well as talk about experiences with The Star Wars Holiday Special and some other cheesy Star Wars properties.
- Star Wars related events from 2012 and thoughts on what might be to come in the future.
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