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- Star Wars Blu Ray Full Trailer
- The Clone Wars Season 4 'Battle Lines' Trailer we go through this scene by scene
- Star Wars Blueprints
- launches
- San Diego Comic Con Artwork, Kotobukiya and more
Big Bad Toy Awesome stuff:
- Steve and fly discuss the new Even Piell, Sasee Tin, Kit Fisto, R7-D4, Stealth Ops Trooper, Kamino Trooper, and Rex.
- Savage Opress "Dathomirian Nightbrother" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2011)
- Ahsoka Tano "Season 3 Outfit" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2011) Wave 2
- Anakin Skywalker "Season 3 Outfit" (Star Wars: The Clone Wars 2011) Wave 2
- Star Wars Imperial Navy Commando Officer
- Star Wars Imperial Navy Commando
- Star Wars Lego 7961 Sith Infiltrator HD
Our thanks again to our Podcast official sponsors, the rather awesome BigBadToyStore
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