Feb 18, 2011

Episode 7 - 'The Forgotten Episode' - Boring Conversation Anyway

[audio http://bcapodcast.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/boring_conversation_anyway_-_episode_7_-_the_forgotten_episode.mp3]

Play the epsiode with the flash player above, or download as an mp3 using the download link, also above. Or subscribe via iTunes or via our RSS feed

Blame Hasbro as we kinda got carried away with toyfair images and forgot about this episode, hence the name...doh!



  • A few new figures have been added to the latest wave of Saga Legends.

  • JediNews.co.uk gives everyone an early look Wave 6 - of course we've all seen them by now because Toy Fair has happened, we'll talk about that soon!

  • Dan Curto keeps it real with his photos on RebelScum.com, freshly updated with pics from Wave 4 of the Vintage Collection.

  • Do you collect Kubricks?


  • Some really amazing custom head sculpts for action figures.

  • We're gonna be on an upcoming episode of the Sarlacc Pit Podcast, keep an ear out for that!

  • We're also planning a special episode to go over everything we've seen come out of Toy Fair.


  • Win an Exclusive Rocket Firing Boba Fett or Sergeant Bric figure!

  • This is only open to residents of the US and Canada - sorry international folks, this rule is set by Hasbro, not us.

  • All you have to do is tweet this message:

Check out @flyguy & @dbsw's podcast, "Boring Conversation Anyway" for #StarWars news and collecting tips! http://bit.ly/bcasw #BCAContest

Tweet This!

You're name will then go into a drawing, we will choose 1 winner every Monday until we run out! If you win, we will contact you to see which figure you won and find out where to ship your prize. If you don't win, you're name will go into the next weeks drawing - if you do win, your name will of course be removed ;)

Good luck everyone!


Thank you to all of our friends and fans, you guys rock! Please stop by our Facebook page and say "Hi" and always feel free to ask questions- facebook.com/BCApodcast If you want more toy news, check out flyguy's HD figure reviews on YouTube.

and you can always find us on out individual sites:
flyguy.netand twitter @flyguy
DBSW.net and twitter @dbsw

Feb 8, 2011

Episode 6 - 'Yipee!' Boring Conversation Anyway

[audio http://bcapodcast.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/boring_conversation_anyway_-_episode_6_-_yipee1.mp3]

boring conversation anway 

Play the epsiode with the flash player above, or download as an mp3 using the download link, also above. Or subscribe via iTunes or via our RSS feed

We had some bugs in the recording this time. We did the best we could to fix everything, but there are still a couple places that have glitches - sorry about that.


Blu Ray - You can now pre-order the complete saga from Amazon, shipping 27th September.

New Clone Wars figures: Barriss Offee, El-Les...

Wave 5 figures: Ceremonial Han, Death Star Luke, R5-D4, Clones, Storm Trooper...

Liam Neeson to voice Qui-Gon Jinn in a Clone Wars episode.

New BMF? Republic Shuttle? Sandcrawler? Boba Fett's Slave 1?

The real Boba Fett?

Internet trolls suck, thankfully Star Wars has an awesome, supportive community!


LEGO Slave 1 Iron: Will Lucas licence this?

"Luke" video by Dainumo, done in a Pogo or Prefuse 73 style (Strangely enough, our Podcast gets all glitchy during a segment where we are discussing glitchy music)

Charlie Skywalker & Snoopy-D2

The Empire’s Invasion Of Minsk by Artem Ozarin (Related 'If Star Wars Was Real')

The adorably geeky Miss Vader!

Silllof's Western Wars - See his stop motion work on YouTube.

Jambe Davdar's 'Star Wars Begins' is finally finished! You can also check out his other documentaries here - 'Building Empire' & 'Returning To Jedi'


Fett Helmet and Gun

Custom helmets and accessories for Legacy and Clone Wars Figures - Check his YouTube Channel to see how they are built.

The Marauder "Gun-Runners"

FlyGuy's Rancor and Dewback

We talk play sets and diorama tips - be sure to check out Niub Niub for diorama resources: Decals & Blue Prints


"The New Republic, Old Empire" by towntroniks

"Operation Verax III" by JedimasterRonin

"3 Minutes" from Ross Ching

"Call Of Duty" video

ApprenticeA's LOST fan film, "The Man Who Brought Us Here".


The Sarlacc Pit -The Official Star Wars Podcast of GalacticBinder.com

tshirtbordello.com - fun SW shirts

...and of course to all of our listener's, you're the best!



Win an Exclusive Rocket Firing Boba Fett or Sergeant Bric figure!

This is only open to residents of the US and Canada - sorry international folks, this rule is set by Hasbro, not us.

All you have to do is tweet this message:

Check out @Flyguy & @dbsw's podcast, "Boring Conversation Anyway" for #StarWars news and collecting tips! http://bit.ly/bcasw #BCAContest

Tweet This!


You're name will then go into a drawing, we will choose 1 winner every Monday until we run out! If you win, we will contact you to see which figure you won and find out where to ship your prize. If you don't win, you're name will go into the next weeks drawing - if you do win, your name will of course be removed ;)

Good luck everyone!


To all of our friends and fans, you guys rock!

Please stop by our facebook page and say "Hi" and always feel free to ask questions- facebook.com/BCApodcast

If you want more toy news, check out flyguy's HD figure reviews on YouTube.


You can also follow flyguy at flyguy.net & Whit at http://dbsw.net

Cheers Whit & Fly