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A super fat, super long, jam packed episode with our two co-hosts and a special guest!
In news we cover:
- Wave 4 (Attack Of The Clones) of the Star Wars Vintage collection out now in Australia.
- Star Wars wrapping paper!
- The Star Wars Christmas special that every one really wanted...
- It's a Trap! reviewed.
- Even more new Star Wars Lego sets for 2011. A new falcon!
We take a momment to focus on Sithlord229 (aka Steve Allsopp), a YouTube mega star certainly in the Star Wars world. Withover 9 Million people having watched his videos this is one reviewer you want to subscribe to. We interview Steve discuss his background to collecting , videos, likes, dislikes and more, as well as an exclusive reveal on his 400th Video! Check out his YouTube channel for links to his blog, facebook group and more.
We then take a look back at 2010 on general and bewteen the three of us discuss:
- Star Wars clone wars 2010 so far. Season 2 wrap up, Season 3 so far.. A big 'meh'?
- Star Wars 3D announcement
- Vintage and Clone Wars line in general this year-thoughts overall.
- Star Wars in concert - steve give us his review
- Force unleashed II
- We look back at Star Wars celebration V
- We look forward to Star Wars Blu Ray Releases next year.
A big shout from the three of us to all those who follow our sites, channels, tweets, facebook pages, podcasts and more, without Star Wars fans we would not be doing this stuff, so thanks to you! (Yes you!)
Have a great new year, and may the hangovers not be with you!